

132 2024-04-14 21:33 admin

Hi, everybody, good morning / afternoon / evening

It's really a great honour to be able to stand up here and say a few words in front of you all. As we all know that today's topic is called A special day.

Well, this seems a great talking point and also kind of hard to find the right day to talk about. Of course we all should have one or many special days in our life, but to recall one and tell the exact thing that made it special would be quite a tall order indeed.

Since I am one with a very poor memory, so it would make it even harder for me, but some how and rather surprisingly, I remember one of my very special days. It was August 30 2011, when I was attending one of my cousins' wedding. At the wedding, I met another cousin who I have lost contact for very long (many years).

We talked about this and we talked about that. We talked and talked. Finally we came to the topic about internet. She asked me which were my favourite websites. I told her a few English websites. She asked me again. Which of the Chinese website I most visited. I told her that I don't know how to input Chinese into computer. so I couldn't surf the Chinese websites! She said: What? How very backward you are! Everyone now uses Chinese input and surfing Chinese websites now. Where have you been? Were you in jail all these years or what! Well, you see, my cousin and I used to be very close, so that we don't need to talk to each other very politely. She was still the same at the wedding that day, but I was a bit embarrass when being called backward and primitive.

Actually I was glad that I met her that day. We didn't just resume our contact but it happened to be changing my whole life forever. She taught me the basic of Chinese input at the wedding reception and sent me a book a few days later teaching how to input Chinese into computers. From there on I have never looked back. It took me over a month to learn to write a short article of just a couple hundred words. My improvement was painfully slow but the progress was steady. The most important thing is that now I can do a lot of things otherwise I wouldn't be able to do before, such as writing in Chinese and surfing Chinese websites.

I joined Baidu on January 12, 2012 just over a year ago. In the past year I had a lot of fun indeed. If I didn't meet my cousin that day then I am sure that my life would be much different and much less enjoyable. That's why I called August 30 2011 my very special day.

Thank you all for listening.

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